As Fitzgerald, very well, represents the norms within our capitalist system (Sculos 1), his perception of justice shows a key difference compared with the protagonist.Īs the movie especially underlines philosophical statements concerning justice and revenge shown by a broad range of different actions, gestures, intonation varieties, visual signs and other forms of expression – The Revenant not only represents a fascinating piece of film, but also provides a unique way of expressing individualism through various means. From the perspective of John Fitzgerald, the antagonist in the film, the attitude toward justice varies essentially from the perspective of Hugh Glass, who primarily plays the role of a sociable, patient and mentally strong character. It not only underlines the importance of family, but also shows some key characteristics of modern society. The movie also features some philosophical declarations concerning the embodiment and expression of certain structures. Furthermore, the involvement of those elements essentially support to prove whether the perception of vengeance and justice shift by the end of the movie. By adding some philosophically and psychologically relevant background information, the global structure will be strengthened. By involving the above-mentioned aspects, the main objective is to provide a meaningful portrait of The Revenant which especially emphasizes its relatability. In this research paper, the focus will be selected upon the perception of justice and vengeance based on the perspectives of the characters and the environmental tribune of the film setting.

Iñárritu, indicates some essential features of the above mentioned individualist movement. Fischer perceives the term not as “an egoistic, asocial individualism” like de Tocqueville did, but as a “covenantal, social voluntarism” (Fischer 363). in the 1970s suggested that the individual embodied an inner representation of moral responsibility based on relatively independent judgement (Williams 502), another more current interpretation of Claude S. While the perception of individualism of Robin M. While many sections of American history showed a great variety of both social and economic features such as not only the segregation of natives or slavery, but also the gold rush or the financial crisis, the movement of individualism had brought a significant change in the general perception of the term “responsibility”. Subject: The Perception of Vengeance and Justice in The Revenant Module: 815EN207 Introduction to Research: Course: Researching Modern Fiction